Comic book flicks are typically a great source of skin conditions, usually involving rogues in need of an intensive moral and dermatologic makeover. So imagine our concern sitting through the latest Hugh Jackman ad for abdominal workouts, also called “The Wolverine.” First, since Logan the titular antihero has mutant-tastic healing powers, every slice dice and jab at his chiseled frame leaves nary a scar. S’up with that?
Then we meet this flick’s femme fatale, a sinister scientist played by Svetlana Khodchenkova. For someone so evil, her skin and hair seem suspiciously flawless. Could it be that she is a good gal after all?
Finally, her true nature is revealed. She goes by the handle “Viper,” and we briefly see a forked tongue. Then, in a last minute bid to take on Jennifer Lawrence’s hot mutant mess of problem skin, Mystique, the Viper molts in a sizzling display of shed skin. To top it off, literally, Viper loses her luscious locks, ending the film as bald as Professor X.
In reality, hair loss in women can devastating and may reflect health issues such as thyroid disease, lupus and the side effects of chemotherapy. Vitamin D, the supplement that can be boosted by sun exposure, seems to play a helpful role in hair growth. We suggest taking inexpensive Vitamin D supplements rather than risking sun damage and skin cancer by tanning. This way, women may avoid scaly serpentine skin and not end up with a scalp as smooth as a snake!
More mutant skin at
Svetlana Khodchenkova has a beauty mark
Remember bald Britney Spears? We do…